Vacation Bible School 2001  
[Truth Trackers]   

Vacation Bible School is for grades Kindergarten - High School. It is held nightly Monday - Friday 6:30pm - 9:00pm. for one week during the summer. Then Sunday morning after a special service the church meets out at the Baptist Grounds for a picnic. Vacation Bible School is learning about GOD in different and unusual ways through some fun activities and some snacks and more fun and then singing and fellowship in the auditorium at the end of each evening. This is a great way to let kids learn the value of a relationship with Jesus Christ Our Lord. And have fun doing it. The whole church gets involved with all of the fun activities with the kids of all aged. Sometimes the teachers/helper has more fun than the kids does.  


    Pastor/VBS Youth Director Bro. John Gamblin 
    & (6th year veteran as a youth) Chris Markovich 
just survived another  year of VBS.

Stan Barylske is waiting for a big                Bro. John is hard at work
            chunk of watermelon.                 cutting into the watermelons.


Yum Yum eat them up before they          The Food Crew won't let anyone go
run out of Hot Dogs.                      home hungry.

The Youth Group is digging into                  Bro John is cleaning up the 
pizzas before they play a game.                  Pizza boxes before it rains.

    Jeff Reiter is cleaning up after the                 Bonnie Reiter looks like she is getting    
        4th graders after snack time.                    more food out of that box. (4th grade)       




Activities ; Bus Ministry ; Clowns; GIFT; Library ; Music ; Other EventsOpportunities ; Singles Group ; Staff ; Youth ; Home ; VBS ; Webmaster